Hank Sightings

Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 tokens
6.9% Team Supply
Liquidity Locked
0% Taxes
Contract Renounced

About Hank: when he's not fighting off pesty insects
Meet Hank, the laid-back camel who’s here to bring some desert delight to your day. With a talent for spreading excitement and joy as he travels the world, Hank has arrived on Base as a trusty companion on his adventures. When he’s not fighting off pesty insects and the dangers of exploration, he can be found lounging at the beach. Join Hank as he lights up Base.
How to buy

Set up a Wallet
Install Coinbase Wallet and switch to the Base Network. If you’re using a different wallet like MetaMask, follow these steps.
Install Coinbase Wallet and switch to the Base Network. If you’re using a different wallet like MetaMask, follow these steps.

Bridge ETH to Base
Visit the official Base bridge website and bridge ETH to Base. Now you are prepared to explore with Hank.

Head on over to Uniswap and connect your wallet. Paste Hank’s contract address and exchange ETH for HANK. Join Hank on the beach for a party!
Head on over to Uniswap and connect your wallet. Paste Hank’s contract address and exchange ETH for HANK. Join Hank on the beach for a party!
Contract address: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

“Trek alongside Hank as he roams the wilderness, unraveling the mysteries of the world one hoofprint at a time!”
“Follow Hank on his escapades where each journey is an opportunity for exploration and endless possibilities!”